My husband was deployed when I bought my first iPhone. It was in the year 2010. I remember the day I bought it! It was my birthday and I guess I felt I owed myself a nice birthday present! My husband knew all about it and he wanted me to get one. When he returned from his deployment, we actually went to upgrade his phone to an iPhone as well. I didn’t think it was fair that I got an iPhone and he didn’t have one!
We still have those same iPhones that we purchased years ago. We like to keep things until they break (I suppose that’s the “frugal” in me). If we don’t need something new, we won’t buy it. However, we are starting to get that itch where we feel we need to upgrade our phones to keep up with the latest technology out there.
What do you do with your old phones? Do you throw them away? Do you trade them in somewhere? Do you give it away? Do you sell it? I’m currently looking for a place to sell my iphone for cash so that we can use that extra money to replace it with a new cell phone. We feel there’s some value left in our old phones and don’t want to just toss them if they can be used elsewhere!
Leave a comment for me letting me know what you do with your old cell phones. If you sold it, do you feel it that what you received what you expected?
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