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Saving Money on Clothes – 5 Tips to Maximize Your Money

saving money on clothes

Saving money on clothing is a big deal. It’s not like clothes are something we can go without – at least not without getting arrested. With that in mind, we have to figure out how we can make saving money on clothes something that is attainable without making us LOOK like we’re trying to save money on clothes.

Saving Money on Clothes is Totally Doable

It’s not that difficult to be beautiful on a budget for you and your family. Of course, any time you implement a budget you’ll have to make sacrifices, but those sacrifices don’t have to be monumental changes that totally strip you of your style.

Related: How to Create a Budget that Really Works

Lose the Name Brands

Everyone wants the “swoosh” or the “fox” or some other name brand logo. The thing to remember is that you do not need them. You can be just as stylish in a trendy look put together at Old Navy as you can in the same look put together at some store that sells shirts for 3 times as much because they have an embroidered logo on them.

Shop for Sales

Like all stores, clothing stores have sales. Watch for those sales, and swoop in when there’s  a really good one. A good sale on clothes can save you an obscene amount of money when the store is trying to clear out seasonal inventory.

Use Those Gift Cards

If you have gift cards, stockpile them for the sales I just mentioned. You can stretch those little plastic wonders so far when you hit on a really good sale.

Use a Store Credit Card

This is a great options for saving money on clothes if you have a large family. Using a store’s credit card can help you earn points towards future purchases at that store. For example, with an Old Navy card, every purchase – not just at their store – nets you points for use at Old Navy stores or online. When you combine those points with sales, you can save tons and tons of money.

The Thrift Shop

It’s not just a Mackelmore song folks. You can find some unique, funk-tacular pieces at your local thrift shop, and you can find them for dirt cheap. If you already like the eclectic look, the thrift shop is ground zero for saving money on clothing. Because sometimes, you really do look incredible when you wear your grandpa’s clothes. 😉

Saving Money on Clothes Doesn’t Mean Sacrificing Style

You don’t have to look like you haven’t been in style since the late 90s when you’re on a saving money mission. Looking for deals and saving money on clothing are not synonymous with being out of style. All you need to do is make smart decisions and wait for your moment. And if you’re already into that eclectic look, hit the thrift shop. Hey, you never know what you’ll find!

Related: 100+ Ways to Save Money

Do you have any tips on saving money on clothes?

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