It is always amazing to see the talent and vision people possess. Women and mother’s in particular, as they seem to be taking the world by storm as business owners and entrepreneurs these days. They tend to see potential in what others don’t, and then take something they like and turn it into a way to support themselves and their families. The whole process is quite fascinating, and might be something you have always wanted to do yourself. If you have a hobby or business idea you have always wanted to capitalize on, what seems to be stopping you? Starting your own hobby turned business adventure can be a great way to earn extra cash for your family while doing something you love. Below, you will find out how to turn your hobby into a business with just a few small steps.
Step One: Think small.
First, you want to think small. What talents do you have? Can you bake? Write? Paint? Have a way with children? Ask yourself how much you enjoy these tasks. Could you do them daily and no get tired of them? If the answer is yes, keep on reading!
Step Two: Identify the need.
The reality is, there is something you are good at that someone else is not. People are willing to pay for that. Whether it be cleaning a house or baking a cake, people are willing to pay others to do the things they can’t or don’t want to do. Decide what the need or demand would be for your talent.
Step Three: Say so long to fear.
Naturally the fear sets in next. We talk ourselves into thinking we are not good enough, or that we don’t have the start up funds, or that we will just table the idea for another time. Say so long to fear and write your ideas and goals down somewhere you can revisit them often.
Step Four: Execute your plan.
Do you like to bake? Start off by advertising your services for children’s birthday parties. Offer to do a friend’s party for free to get your name out there. Like to make jewelry? Invest $40 booth rent in a local show to promote yourself. Take custom orders and get your name out. List a piece on Etsy. it is only a .20 cent investment. Love to upcyle? Save old chairs from the curb, add a fresh coat of paint and a new cushion and viola! List it on Craigslist for sale.
Step Five: Make $1.00 at a time.
Make a dollar, then two, then twenty. Make one customer a happy camper, then two, then twelve. Learn to stretch your business dollar-get free business cards on the internet (they are everywhere!) and find local shops to consign a piece or two. Find one first customer, treat them like gold. The rest will follow. Learn to live off of very little, and save every dime you can. Then watch your small idea bloom. And the rest…well the rest just seems to fall into place!
If you could use a little extra spending or bill money each month, give this step by step plan a try. Your talents and hobbies can easily be tapped into and function as a business for you, a business where you are the boss and can earn a real income. It won’t always be easy, but when you are doing what you love, the ambition will always be there to make it possible.
Best of luck! Now get to it!
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