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Toys for Less: 5 Ways to Cut Costs on Toys for the Kids!

Toys for LessChristmas seems so long ago, doesn’t it? It was actually only a few months ago, but to your kids, that’s like forever – especially when it comes to the “newness” of their toys. By now, they’ve probably grown tired of many of Santa’s gifts, which means you’re buying new toys for the spring and summer season.

Before you shell out a small fortune to refresh your children’s toy box, you might consider trying a few of these money-saving tips. And in case you missed it, feel free to check out the other entry about saving on toys, which was posted back in January.

Take a Trip Down Memory Lane – Today’s toys are all wires and technology, which means they’re a lot more expensive than toys were when we were kids. Ironically, the cheaper toys from our childhood were also a lot more durable. Revisit the good old days by investing in classic toys for your tots, including Mr. Potato Head, Lincoln Logs, and Legos.

Hit the Road – Just about every list of money-saving tips (saving on clothes, saving on furniture) includes a trip around your neighborhood in search of a good yard sale. Toys are no exception. As long as they’re in good condition and can be cleaned, it’s one of the easiest ways to save money on toys.

Get Crafty – Kids are pretty resourceful, and can find joy in all sorts of everyday objects. Put this resourcefulness to the test while also saving money, by transforming things around the house into “brand new” toys.

Swap with Friends – You can throw a toy party, which we talked about in our last toy entry, or you can just throw your child’s unwanted toys in a box, ask a friend to do the same, and swap boxes. Now wasn’t that easy?

Buy Fewer Toys – This one is easier said than done, but the simplest way to save money on anything is to buy less of it. Talk to your kids about consumerism (if they’re old enough to understand the lesson), and make a conscious effort to buy less and enjoy the toys they have a little more.

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