Many people are discouraged when they have to pay for a new computer. Computers can be expensive investments, but it is possible to cut the cost of your purchase considerably if you know what you are doing.
First of all, you need to know what you do and don’t need when you buy your machine. The perfect computer for a power gamer or multimedia developer may not be what you are looking for if you just need a compact machine while you work in Starbucks. Say no to any major cards and peripherals that you don’t need.
You can also consider purchasing the previous year’s model. Believe it or not, the functionality probably won’t change that much. While the newer models may be a tad faster, last year’s model should have no problem keeping up with your needs. You may be concerned that you have to replace it faster, but since you are getting such a great discount on it you will it is a great return on your investment.
On a similar note, you can consider buying a refurbished model as well. These computers have been returned for minor problems, but have been repaired. The chances of you having any functionality problems with a refurbished computer shouldn’t be any higher than any other new machine. However, the cost should be significantly lower.
When you make your purchase, decide whether or not you want to have for a warranty. A warranty is pretty important, but how long do you need to extend it for? Many warranties are just extended to bring in a little extra money for the retailers. They may only be helpful to you if you feel that you have to have a machine for a specified period of time before it is replaced. However, statistically if a machine lasts for a year without giving you any problems, then the chances of it being defective are relatively low. An extended warranty may be helpful if you carry your computer around a lot where there is a higher risk of it being damaged or stolen.
Finally, take advantage of all coupons and incentives you have. If you can get a computer at a 20% discount, then you should seriously consider taking the opportunity. You may not get a better deal in the future.
Computers are typically significant expenses, but that doesn’t mean they have to actually be expensive.
They are like any other product. Make sure you do your research ahead of time and take advantage of any opportunity to save some money.
This is a guest post by Kalen Smith.