Hi, I’m Brittany (a.k.a The Frugal Free Gal) – thank you for stopping by!
I’ve always been very frugal and this is why I created this website in 2010. I wanted to share my money saving tips, deals, and freebies with others.
My website offers a little bit of everything — from freebies, deals, coupons and giveaways! I love to save money and want to help YOU save money, too!
I put a lot of time and effort into this website and I take it seriously. I have a passion for saving money and for helping others to get on track financially.
I feel this website allows me to communicate to you about what works for me, giving you tips about saving money.
I spend hours researching how to make this website better and can’t wait to see where it will be in the years to come.
Saving money will never go out of style and I hope you stick around and put a few of these tips that I give you into practice.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this website, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
admin (at) thefrugalfreegal (dot) com