I’m not a huge fan of buying wrapping paper. There’s just something about spending $3.99 for something so beautiful, only to have it torn to bits and thrown in the fireplace in about 4.5 seconds. And the torture of having to actually wrap all those gifts … don’t get me started on that.
I mean, who invented this whole “gift wrapping” thing anyhow? Why can’t we just hide gifts behind our back and then sloooowly reveal it to the recipient. It’d be a heckuva lot easier and cheaper, right?
But, alas, that’s not how gifts are exchanged. Until then, we’ll have to play by the rules and spend four hours on Christmas Eve wrapping presents until our fingers are bloodied with paper cuts. One thing we don’t have to do is spend a fortune on wrapping paper. No sir. Here are four ways to save on wrapping paper until my behind-the-back idea catches on.
WRAP GIFTS IN HUMOR – In our grandparents’ day, people used to wrap presents in the Sunday comics. They’re colorful, they’re entertaining, and they’re – oh, what’s the word? – that’s right, free!
SCORE FREE WRAPPING – Most department stores have a gift wrapping section and many of them offer free wrapping on items purchased in the store.
PUT THOSE OLD MAPS TO GOOD USE – Remember maps? They were those paper things your father would pull out of the glove box in the car and swear at on family vacations. Turn those curse words into smiles (and savings) by using those old maps as wrapping paper.
BUY YOUR PAPER AFTER THE HOLIDAY – You know those 75 percent off sales that happen on December 26? That’s the only time you should be buying wrapping paper.
MAKE YOUR OWN PAPER – Want a no-frills option that you can decorate yourself? Try wrapping your gifts in plain white or brown paper. Once the non-Santa gifts are wrapped, give your kids some markers, stamps and paints and let them go to town while you sip an eggnog and treat your paper cuts.